Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sunshine, Rain, Sunshine, Rain Pattern Continues

Jim Noel with the National Weather Service predicts an up and down weather week is expected. It will be hot and humid early in the week with storms followed by cooler and drier weather for the second half of the week.

The rain gauge at my house collected about 1/2 of rain from late last week through the weekend. Despite some water still laying in fields, corn across the county is looking pretty good. There are a couple of fields that are about four inches tall and the most mature fields I've seen are a good 10 days away from tassel. Like most parts of the state, wheat harvest hasn't started - but some farmers have gotten their second hay cuttings already this week...

I have yet to find a Western Bean Cutworm in the trap I set in the western part of the county. The European Corn Borer trap continues to attract these pests...

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