Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Could use a shot of rain...

For the most part, crops in the county are looking pretty good. We could use a shot of rain though.

There are several fields that never fully recovered from the spring/early summer flooding and water damage - but things are looking good compared to what I'm hearing and seeing in other parts of the state.

All field corn is either tasseling or will be in the next few days. I haven't found any Western Bean Cutworm moths in my trap yet - a few European Corn Borers, but now WBC.

Soybeans are really starting to fill in - and some are blooming. Last week I put out the First Year Western Corn Rootworm traps in a couple of bean fields - will check them on Friday for the first time.

Alfalfa throughout the county is looking very good. There's been a lot of second cuttings last week and the week before. Some questions are coming in about spraying for potato leaf hopper.

We're not a huge wheat-producing county, but the wheat we did produce has been harvested.

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